Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Turn Your Idea into A Dream Come True!!

Ideas. We ALL have them. We see new products on the market every day. Sometimes we even look at things, and wonder....geeze, why didn't I think of that? Truth is, you probably did, only you were too embarrassed to share or just didn't quite know what to do with it, so you pushed it to the back of your mind and watched it fade away!

Well, NOW you have the chance to share those ideas & get yourself out there!!

On Tuesday, January 25th you will be given the chance to change the world!  The location is The Ron Joyce Centre in Burlington where Trivaris will host its fourth annual Innovation Night.  Here, idea sharing is the name of the game.

Idea sharers are welcome to come out and share their ideas in a public forum buzzing with positivity and constructive feedback from people who can help direct you in the right path to start to see your dreams take flight.  The first step is to share.  Be Bold! Dare to Dream!

Signing up is easy.  All you need to do is contact Elaine Holding at 905-633-6354, eholding@sbpartners.ca or Cindy Porter 905-332-5433 ext. 205, cindy.porter@trivaris.com , to be put on the list.  Space is limited and it’s first come first serve.  What are you waiting for?  It’s just a click or a phone call away!

Not sure if you want to share?  Then come out and support those who do.  See what the evening is all about and who knows...next year might be your year.

Every big company and successful business started out with JUST an idea. An idea is only the first step on the road to success. Facebook, Booster Juice, Google, Tim Hortons: it took ONE person to share their idea with others, and now look where these companies are at!

If they can do it, why can't you? 

Dare to have a voice. Be Bold. Dare to dream.

For further information visit: www.innovationnight.ca  Tweet This

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